Friday, June 22, 2012

FLAZZ BCA Hello Kitty Limited

back to childhood when every sunday watching DVD with the title 'hello kitty & friends'
yes,i'm one of many people who in love with Hello Kitty stuff but not too addicted with HK's.
few month ago,
i see Hello Kitty Flash with Limited Edition Valentine, so i'm went to BCA near my house and asked them..
and they said that every counter just gave 3-5 pieces it's very limited edition ><" argh!
then, yesterday,
my friend offer me to buy her card,, it cost for $17 or IDR 170.000
and here is the photos <3 cute at all,but i love the Valentine limited edition :( who want to gave me? lol.

this is another edition pict,but it's not mine.. 

it's Valentine Edition!! super love! *got it from instagram


  1. So adorable and super cute!
    I want it too ;(

  2. beli di mana ini???
    aku pengen yg edisi valentine :(

  3. ada tu di link ini:

  4. ada yang jual ini? hubungi 087853940552. serius
